Mission Calling Newsletters

Each year we have served at the In Step Children's Home we have sent monthly newsletters outlining our service at the orphanage.  

Mission Calling Newsletters are sent to every person on our Missionary Partner email list.  You will find:

  • Pictures of the Children and In Step
  • Stories of the Local Culture
  • Highlights of Outreach Activities
  • Narratives about Projects for the Home and Missionaries

When you click on the button below you will be taken to a location where 6 years of newsletters are available.   This may sound overwhelming, but it is not.  Each mission trip has ranged from 2 to 4 months in length; so, each year will only have 2 to 4 newsletters posted.  They are fun to read and give a real flavor for being on the mission field as we share our experiences with you.

Also, the second box gives you the address to send an email request for a subscription to future Proclaim Ministries Newsletters.

For your best viewing experience, please use Chrome or Firefox browsers to be taken to the Newsletter link in the box below: